Keywords: new media, media reality, convergence, interactivity, personalization, multimedia, digitalization, media culture.


New media is considered as a phenomenon of modern media culture in the article. New media are explored as a technological process. With the emergence and spread of the Internet, this process has contributed to the formation of a global information system. It is indicated that new media related to the process of digitalization is the conversion to digital format of
information. The analyzed main characteristics of new media – multimedia as the provision of different formats of information in a single media source; personalization as a user-oriented information; interactivity – as the active participation of users in the creation and distribution of content and convergence – as the merger of different media on a single technology platform. The main effects of new media on the formation and formation of modern media culture have been studied. First of all – transformation of information paradigm caused by availability, speed and redundancy of information. The article also focuses on the quality of information in today's media space. Issues of influence of new media on formation of media reality and virtualization of reality are considered. It has been determined that social networks play a leading role in the virtualization of reality. In them, virtuality and simulation become equal to reality, ie they have the same ontological content. 
It is concluded that the formation of a new media culture is a natural evolutionary stage. Particular attention in the present should be given to the development of media literacy and responsibility for the content created and distributed.

Author Biography

Таtiana Uvarova , International Humani tarian University, Odessa

Candidate of Sciences (Study of Art), professor, Department of arts and humanitarian studies
