Keywords: cultural heritage, international cultural cooperation, artist, social activity, management, brand.


The urgency of the problem. The organizational and cultural potential of one of the representatives of modern professional musical art of the country - Honored Artist of Ukraine Oleksandr Tarasenko - choirmaster of the National Opera of Ukraine, organizer of numerous artistic projects in the region, country and beyond, is revealed. Attention is
focused on the importance of positioning a modern artist in the direction of artistic interpretation of world musical heritage, which allows to offer the public new artistic content. Research methods: the biographical method was used, which made it possible to find out the circumstances of the creation of musical works or the participation of this artist in various types of cultural activity and its effectiveness. Among others are the method of reconstruction and the historical method.
Research methods: the biographical method was mainly used, which made it possible to find out the circumstances of the creation of musical works or the participation of this artist in various types of cultural activity and its effectiveness. Among others are the method of historical reconstruction and the cultural method.The scientific novelty of the study consists in clarifying the effectiveness of O. Tarasenko's participation in various spheres of cultural and artistic activity: as a choirmaster-producer of new opera works, as an organizer of
cultural projects for the positioning of Ukraine outside its borders, as the Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Choral Society named after M. Leontovych regarding the restoration of its regional structures and as the music editor of the collection of choral compositions by M. Leontovych.

Author Biographies

Serhii Vytkalov , Rivne State University for the Humanities

Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor, Professor of the Department of Event Industries, Cultural and Museum Studies

Володимир Виткалов , Rivne State University for the Humanities

Ph.D., Prof., Head of the Department of Event Industries, Cultural Studies and Museum Studies
