Keywords: profane, sacred, Chernihiv theatre directors, artistic interpretation.


The aim of the paper is to make a theoretical analysis of the means of expressing the sacral senses in drama on the basis of the work of Chernihiv directors (Andrii Bakirov, Yevhen Sydorenko, Denis Fedeshov and Yevhen Bondary), which are conceptualized for the first time in the context of theoretical cultural studies.
Research methodologyis based on the interdisciplinary integration of leading methods of modern cultural studies, philosophy and art history. The methodological basis of the analysis is cultural interpretology, which allows for a comprehensive analysis of different semantic levels of the work of art. The use of analysis aimed at defining the cultural universals in the context of the profane-sacral opposition makes it possible to highlight the religious level of meaning in works that are secular in nature.
Results. A comprehensive cultural study of the texts of dramas and their stage interpretations in the theatres of Chernihiv allows us to come to a conclusion about the use of the metanarrative method in dramaturgy, which is based on the postmodern game of redefinition. With the help of allusions, hypertextuality is created, which returns the recipient from the profane world to the sacred books of the Old and New Testaments. The clear presence of sacred beauty and the greatness of biblical codes not only does not interfere with the realization of secular lines, but on the contrary, fills the theatrical form with metatheatrical spiritual content.This gives the regional theatre content a chance to compete with the best Ukrainian and even European theatres. Transformations of the relationship between the sacral and the profane in various types and directions of modern art deserve further research.
Novelty of the article is in the analysis of the Biblical allusions and symbols in the creative work of modern Chernihiv theatre directors.
The practical significance. The creative work of the said directors can be seen in the context of the search for one's own identification – personal, religious, national, etc., which is relevant for a modern person and thus deserve special study.

Author Biographies

Maryna Karanda , T. Shevchenko National University «ChernihivColehium», Chernihiv

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor

Olena Kolesnyk , T. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium», Chernihiv

Doctor of Cultural Studies, AssociateProfessor, Professor
